Legal Wit — Non-Responsive *and* Verbose!

Legal Wit — Non-Responsive *and* Verbose!

[The defendant], on the other hand, is a devious man and an unbelievable witness who will do or say anything to advance his position.4 He was maddeningly unwilling to respond to the simplest of questions and often had to be asked the same question over and over (no doubt using the time gained to visit his pantry of untruthful answers). He was evasive, non-responsive and verbose in his testimony. Throughout the trial, I patiently waited for a Phoenix-like moment that might serve to rehabilitate his credibility: it never came. All in all, he was an exasperating witness who told untruths too numerous to catalogue and insulting in their breadth.5

Footnote 5: I feel somewhat responsible for this as I must have done or said something during the trial that caused [the defendant] to believe that I was dim-witted.

Pirbhai v. Singh |

2010 CarswellOnt 2854 |

Ontario Superior Court of Justice

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