Legal Wit — Transparent Codes

Legal Wit — Transparent Codes
In early August, 2012 a friend of [the defendant] offered, in a series of text messages, to hook [the defendant]  up with a pretty girl with a long nose and six teeth for $1,800. She was a bit old for him, 38, but his friend said she rotated around men. It was the beginning of [the defendant] 's misfortune that his private communications were the object of police interception and it didn't improve things that his code, like most codes used by gun and drug dealers, was rather transparent. The long-nosed girl with dental challenges was easily recognizable to the police as a deal for Mr. Brumble's friend … to sell [the defendant] a .38 calibre revolver with six rounds of ammunition. Thus, it was not by sheer coincidence that [the defendant] found himself admiring his new girlfriend in the front seat of a van minutes after meeting her only to have the police crash the date and instantaneously place him in custody, where he has remained ever since.

R. v. Brumble

2013 CarswellOnt 7410

Ontario Court of Justice

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