Video | Find More Leading Cases on Point Faster

Video | Find More Leading Cases on Point Faster

Find More Leading Cases on Point Faster

Discover how westlaw Canada allows you to find more leading cases on point faster than ever. In this short 4-minute video, Sarah Matheson, a Legal Product Developer with westlaw Canada, shows you how our meticulous editorial work, combined with a renowned legal classification system can help you find relevant cases faster.

When you search on westlaw Canada a list of suggested cases will appear. Scan the digest to find a case that relates to the exact issue you’re concerned with and then use the Canadian Abridgment Classification to find additional cases on the specific point of law you are interested in.

When you click on the case of most interest to you, tabs at the top of your document appear – providing a wealth of related content such as commentary, legal memos and more. Content is seamlessly linked together, allowing you to logically transition from task to task.

Continue your discovery of westlaw Canada by viewing the video and see how you’ll save time and gain confidence.
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