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Phrase of the Week | Decision-making Authority

Decision-making Authority

J.A.P. v. M.J.P. | 2018 MBQB 1 | Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench

Decision-making authority does not just afford one parent a right to make a decision or override the other parent. It also carries with it responsibilities that must be met. In the realm of extracurricular activities, this means providing the other parent with enough notice to consider an activity prior to a registration date, obtaining times and dates and schedules for the activities and the cost, and then sharing all that information with the other parent. It involves finding ways to solve legitimate concerns raised by the other.

The same goes for decision-making authority in the areas of education and with respect to medical issues. The parent that has the authority is the one who gives notice of the appointment; who inquires prior to booking them if the other parent wants to attend; and attempting where feasible to arrange a convenient time.... The parent with authority keeps the other one up to date on the outcome of the appointment or recommended treatments that require attention and follow-up.
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