Legal Wit — It's Raining Roofing Shingles

Legal Wit — It's Raining Roofing Shingles

It is no secret to anyone living in Nova Scotia that wind speeds during the remnants of tropical storms and hurricanes can and sometimes do exceed 115 km/h. It is also common knowledge to residents of Nova Scotia that roofing shingles can and sometimes blow off the roof during tropical cyclones…

I find as a fact that a total of eight shingles blew off the roof before the shingles were replaced by [a roofing company]. [The plaintiff]'s statement to [the roofing company] that shingles were blowing down on a daily basis was an exaggeration. It defies simple arithmetic.

Forward v. Millside Contractors Ltd. |
2014 CarswellNS 1007 |
Nova Scotia Small Claims Court
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