WestlawNext Canada insight Blog

Word of the Week | Compensatory Support

Word of the Week | Compensatory Support


British Columbia

Compensatory support is exactly what it sounds like - compensation for the economic losses of a stay-at-home spouse, that is, losses suffered by the spouse as a result of the breakdown of the marriage. The financial loss of the stay-at-home spouse is a lost economic opportunity, and this lost opportunity came about as a result of a joint decision for that spouse to stay at home during the marriage and raise children. This lost opportunity includes the loss of experience, training, seniority and all of the usual benefits that are enjoyed from full time employment such as medical and dental coverage and possibly a pension.

(M. (S.) v. M. (J.) (2015), 2015 CarswellBC 2851, 2015 BCPC 274 (B.C. Prov. Ct.) at para. 72 Shaw Prov. J.)
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